
Luciole NGO
Light up communities

We want to contribute to the electrification of Africa in a sustainable way by using the first of the renewable materials available in Africa: solar energy.

55 billion $

This is the assessment of annual financing needs in the energy sector in Africa until 2030

38,4 %

This is the electrification rate of Benin against 85.40% for
South Africa in 2017.

25 %

This is the rate of electrification in rural areas in Africa against 70% in urban areas.

Our Goal: Light up communities in need

We strongly believe that we can all contribute to change things on our small scale.

So we decided to bring light to those who have the least by equipping them with solar energy solutions.

As we have to start somewhere, our first projects will be in Benin.

Then, we hope to bring the light of our firefly in the others countries of West Africa and then in all Africa.
In 2024, children do their homework lit by a candle, families cook in the light of a fire and public spaces are in darkness at sunset.

Our actions

Projet Niaouli Phase 1 - ONG Luciole

Niaouli Project - Phase 1

To act effectively, we will start with a first phase of individual lighting. This phase will allow people (childrens in particular), to be able to light up to review and do theirs homeworks.
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Projet Niaouli Phase 2 - ONG Luciole

Niaouli Project - Phase 2

For phase 2 of our Niaouli project, we want to create a link between people by allowing them to meet at night in a place lit by solar panels, with your support.
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And after ... ?

We will meet new challenges ...
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Before the end of the world
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